Media Inquiries

Guidelines for Members of the Media

We value our relationship with the media and believe in open communication that fosters understanding and collaboration. This page provides important information and guidelines for members of the media who wish to make inquiries or request access to our district.

Contact the Communications Department:

All media inquiries should be directed to the Director of Communications: 

Reach out to Email Contact Us or 706.876.4040. 

We will assist you in connecting with the appropriate spokesperson, student, staff, administrator, or other relevant parties.

Guidelines for Media Behavior on School Property:

To ensure the safety and privacy of our students, staff, and school environment, we kindly request that all members of the media adhere to the following guidelines when visiting our school campuses: 

  1. Check-In Process: Upon arrival at any of our school campuses, please check in at the front desk immediately. This will help us ensure that you have proper authorization, and helps us to ensure the safety of all of our students and staff.

  2. Prior Permission: Please note that media personnel are not permitted on school property without prior permission. We appreciate your cooperation in obtaining the necessary authorization before visiting our campuses for any media-related activities.

  3. Respecting Privacy: As outlined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), some students may not be photographed, filmed, or interviewed without the consent of their parents or legal guardians. We request that you respect these privacy considerations and obtain proper permissions when necessary.

Join Our Email List for Updates!

We value the opportunity to collaborate with the media to share the achievements, stories, and important events happening within Dalton Public Schools. To foster a strong partnership, we offer a weekly email update that includes upcoming events and story ideas from our district. To be added to this mailing list, please send an Email Contact Us .

At Dalton Public Schools, we believe in open dialogue, and we are committed to providing timely and accurate information to the media. By working together, we can enhance understanding, celebrate successes, and support the education of our students.

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to collaborating with you.