importannt announcement - dalton public schools to destroy special education records for studens born in 2001 on october 1, 2024. If you wish to obtain your records, please contact the ESS office

In compliance with the State of Georgia Records Retention Schedules for Local Government Paper & Electronic Records, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) regulations on destruction of data collected, maintained, or used in the provision of a free and appropriate public education of students with disabilities in Dalton Public Schools, the Exceptional Student Services office announces its intention to destroy special education records on October 1, 2024. The destruction of records will affect students born in 2001.

The Records Retention Schedule for Local Government Paper & Electronic Records provides, "that records may be destroyed when they are no longer needed to provide educational services to the child." Dalton Public Schools does not have student special education records for individuals born in or before 2000.

A student or parent may need special education records for Social Security purposes or other reasons. If you are a former special education student or parent of a former special education student and wish to obtain records prior to destruction, please call the Dalton Public Schools Exceptional Student Services office at (706) 876-4023 or visit at the 101 Building at 101 N. Thornton Avenue. Office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Anyone obtaining records will be required to produce identification that contains both a picture and signature before the records can be released. All unclaimed files of individuals born in 2001 will be destroyed on October 1, 2024.
