Dr. Steven Craft - Monthly Column for September 2024. Dalton Public Schools: Strengthening Our Community Through Safety and Support

The increasing national concern about school safety is something that weighs on all of us. Every time we hear about a tragic incident at a school, it’s a painful reminder that our children, our educators, and our community deserve the highest level of protection. At Dalton Public Schools, we feel this deeply, and we want our community to know that we are doing everything in our power to ensure that our schools remain safe, supportive environments where students can learn, grow, and thrive.

Our hearts break for Apalachee High School and the Barrow County community after the devastating event that recently unfolded. As fellow educators and parents, we feel the weight of such tragedies, and it’s a sobering reminder that school safety must always remain a top priority. When incidents like this happen so close to home, they shake us all, and we know that families here in Dalton share the pain and concern for the well-being of their own children. These are difficult times, and the rise of threats of violence in schools nationwide has left us all searching for solutions. In response, we have made it our mission to build upon our already robust, proactive approach to safety, and to continue addressing potential threats before they can impact our schools. This is not just about meeting state requirements—it’s about going above and beyond to protect our students and staff here at home.

Locally, Dalton Public Schools has developed and implemented a comprehensive safety plan that evolves each year to reflect new challenges and best practices. Our partnerships with local law enforcement and emergency response agencies have been instrumental in creating a coordinated effort to keep our schools safe. From regular safety drills and advanced emergency notification systems to specialized staff training, we are committed to making sure our schools are as prepared as possible for any scenario.

We also know that, in recent years, our schools have faced an increase in faux threats—false alarms or hoaxes meant to scare and disrupt. These incidents not only strain resources but also cause real emotional distress for students, parents, and staff. When a false threat is made, it creates a ripple effect that can shake a community’s sense of security, even if no one is physically harmed.

These fake threats take a toll on everyone. Students, already dealing with the pressures of school and growing up, are left feeling anxious and unsettled. Parents, too, are impacted as they navigate the constant worry that their children’s school day might be interrupted by an emergency situation. Our teachers and staff face disruptions that undermine the supportive environment they work so hard to maintain. And for our law enforcement and emergency responders, time spent addressing false alarms is time taken away from other urgent needs in the community.

We want to reassure our community that Dalton Public Schools is taking this issue seriously. Each threat, whether real or fake, is handled with the same level of attention and urgency. Our schools are equipped with advanced safety technology, such as the Centegix CrisisAlert System, which allows us to respond quickly to any situation. And we are working closely with local authorities to investigate and address any incidents that arise, holding accountable those who seek to disrupt our schools.

But while the presence of these threats can be disheartening, it’s important to focus on the steps we are taking to combat them and the resilience of our community. Our schools are places of learning, growth, and connection. Despite the challenges we face, we remain committed to preserving that positive atmosphere for our students and staff.

School safety is a national issue, but here in Dalton, we are taking strong local action to address it. Our commitment to the well-being of our students and staff is unwavering, and we will continue to work hand-in-hand with our partners in safety to protect our schools from all threats—real or imagined. It is our hope that through vigilance, preparation, and continued collaboration with our community, we can maintain the safe, supportive environments that our children deserve and thrive in.

As we face these challenging times together, know that Dalton Public Schools is doing everything possible to safeguard our schools and ensure that learning and growth can continue, even in the face of adversity.
